About Jackie Rose
Jackie Rose is a fast growing premium hair product company operated in California. With the help of advanced consumer research and the advantage of being found by an experienced hair professional, Jackie Rose is positioned to become the choice. Jackie Rose exceeds new expectations set by professionals, salons, and by every day consumers including men and women. 

House Of Healthy Hair Collection
Jackie Rose hair products were engineered to meet the demands of master hair stylists. All products ensure that a luxury salons healthy hair efforts, would be continued at home. Every ingredient was carefully selected to be safe and promote healthy luscious hair. Best of all, all hair products are made right here in America.

Founder Tiffany Hernandez
Tiffany Hernandez, the owner of Jackie Rose is a master hair stylist and owner of Cheveux Salon in Southern California. With over 20 years of professional hair experience and accolades, her “house of healthy hair collection” aims to become the standard care for rejuvenation and beautiful hair.